To comply with PAS 2035, every domestic retrofit project will need to be managed by an approved Retrofit Coordinator.

A Retrofit Coordinator is the individual who will be responsible for overseeing the assessment of dwellings as well as the subsequent specification, monitoring, and evaluation of energy efficiency measures, in accordance with PAS 2035.

A Retrofit Coordinator will manage a retrofit project from inception to completion, and will need to liaise with building owners, Retrofit Assessors, Retrofit Designers and Retrofit Installers to ensure effective end-to-end project management.


The activities that a Retrofit Coordinator will need to undertake as part of the PAS 2035 process include.


1. IDENTIFYING RISK PATHWAY - The completion of a retrofit risk assessment for each dwelling or dwelling type within the retrofit project. This is a desktop exercise using planning portals, EPC, map searches. (This is a set fee)

2. APPROVAL OF RETROFIT ASSESSMENT REPORT – (Retrofit Assessment Report completed by a Retrofit Assessor) captures a whole dwelling assessment based on the risk assessment pathway above. (This is a set fee)


3. RETROFIT PLAN - The development of a Medium-Term Improvement Plan. Evaluation of a client’s design, including specific details of products, interfaces and how and the order in which they are to be installed. (This is a set fee plus a cost for a site visit if required).


4. CLIENT HANDOVER – Legal notifications, certificates of competence, product and workmanship guarantees, manufacturer’s instructions etc. CLAIM OF COMPETENCE i.e. have the measures been installed as per the agreed or amended design? (This is a set fee plus a cost for a site visit - required).


5. PAS 2035:2019 CONFORMANCE – uploading the required documentation to the Data Warehouse and submitting lodgement. (This is a set fee including lodgement fee £20-£25).


6. MONITORING and EVALUATION – Post installation customer survey and basic monitoring. Solving any disputes caused by customer dissatisfaction or unintended consequences. (This is a set fee plus a cost for a site visit if required).